NBA Nets

Art Director: Develop concepts of what clientele would want, Execute designs within tight deadlines, Find images using Getty of basketball players, Perform Illustration work to certain layouts, Silhouette photographs for layout, and heavy touch up work using Photoshop and InDesign work for brochures.
NBA Dancer

Advertisement Heavy Photoshop and design work for a magazine spread
    NBA Postcards:

Develop design concept for front and back of postcards for company mailing list
NBA Menus

(Seating and Food) Designed for arena utilizing InDesign and Photoshop work.

Working with two spot colors or black and white, Design concept of food mats for McDonald food trays. The design had to stand out while patrons eat. I worked with the printer pre and post production.

Working with two spot colors or black and white, Design concept of food mats for McDonald food trays. The design had to stand out while patrons eat. I worked with the printer pre and post production.

Working with two spot colors or black and white, Design concept of food mats for McDonald food trays. The design had to stand out while patrons eat. I worked with the printer pre and post production.
NBA Partner Handbook

Designed entire 60page handbook, develop concept and execute design using InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator and submit work for print production.
Barclay Center

Conceptual design work for Barclay Center Advertisement in Brooklyn for company mail listing
Barclay Center

Conceptual design work for Barclay Center Advertisement in Brooklyn for company mail listing

NBA Sporting Event Passes

Designed passes for the sporting event front and back for six locations and six different color changes.

Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP)

Designed sporting passes for the event in three different looks

Copyright © 2014, Leon H. Anderton Online Portfolio.
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.