Some people are what is called color blind. This means that they do not see colors as most people see them.
Although they are called color blind, they are not really legally blind and they can usually drive, and do things
more easily than someone who is legally blind.
Color blindness vary according to the type of color blindness:
• The person may not be able to distinguish between the red and green colors, or the blue and yellow colors.
• Sometimes, in less severe cases, the person is simply not able to see or differentiate between the shades of any particular color.
• People suffering from total color blindness may not be able to see any colors except black, white and gray.
• Not being able to see the brightness of colors is also one of the important color blindness symptoms.
Positives/Strengths of Color Blindness:
• One hypothesis is that color-blindness actually helps improve the ability to notice differences in texture and brightness